Eveline Göldi

Eveline Göldi


Eveline Göldi is born in Teufen, Appenzell Ausserrhoden. Today she lives nearby, in Herisau und enjoys
the wonderful view of the appenzeller hills. Since childhood, she is already fascinated by colors and
complementary and lived since the mid-90s her creativity deepened out. She is constantly developing
new experiments and styles, many times with new materials. The fascination for colours is still
reflected today in the diversity of her works. Eveline Göldi has attended various further education
courses, including the School of Art and Design in Zurich. She has developed her own signature, her
works can be found regularly at exhibitions, galleries and worldwide publications.

Country Switzerland

Website https://bilder-online.ch/en

Robert van de Graaf

Robert van de Graaf

Charles  Hildebrandt

Charles Hildebrandt