Jenny Bennett

Jenny Bennett


Bennett M.A.[Hons} Anthroplology, has been painting for over 40 years and has exhibited nationally and internationally. Mainly working in oils, her recent work is an exploration of paisley; the imagery and the history. Global warming now a major component in her last work.

Artist Statement

I paint to make something from nothing: to communicate my visions to others; to put people where I have been. Like Anais Nin, I believe that art (writing, painting, music-----) provides us with the ‘anti toxins’ we need to live.

I paint because I want to record, communicate, recreate, create; an idea, experience, object, landscape or a feeling. I believe art whether it be painting, music, drama etc can lift us out of everyday routine. Participation is the key; the doing or the viewing or the listening.



Instagram jennybennett2080

Country New Zealand

Hot Flotsam 4th state. oil on canvas 60in x 40in

All in the Round. Oil on board. 36in diameter

Paisleyette Triptych. Oil on canvas. 30in x 10in

Pertaining to Paisley 1. Mixed media on incisioni paper. 58in x37in

Pertaining to Paisley 4. Mixed media on incisioni paper. 62in x48.5in

Barbara Palka Winek

Barbara Palka Winek

Petraq Pecani

Petraq Pecani