Williams Delabona

Williams Delabona

Williams Cesar Delabona was born in Brazil, in the one small city called Fernandópolis, in 1963.

 From a very young age, still a child, he already revealed his drawing skills, being awarded in some competitions during the school years. As a teenager, he painted his first oil paintings and also his intriguing T shirts, with paintings that evoked a certain mystery, within a thematic that stays the same until the present.

 For Williams, art has always been a way of expressing his ideas and his deepest longings, linked to concepts of a search for the unknowable. In spite of maintaining the same thematic identity for decades, what differs in the current works is the clarity of intention and the concepts and symbolisms expressed, which in the beginning was something more unconscious.

The concrete result of his work also underwent major transformations during the years. Williams is an autodidact artist and his technique has been enlarged and influentiated with some professional experiences as a in grafic designer in advertising and in the architecture. In the 80's, he studied architecture and urbanism, during which time he also did extensive research in the esoteric and radionics field, where he studied the influences of geometric shapes and colors applied in architecture, especially in ancient monuments and cathedrals.

With these diversified experiences, Williams expanded possibilities in the use of techniques and materials, exploring various resources to concretize and express his ideas and symbolism, but within a same trend and style that remained unchanged in this trajectory of his incessant search and discoveries in the world of the visual arts.

His works have already participated in individual and collective exhibitions in galleries, art museums, including the Louvre Museum in Paris, exhibitions in Dubai, Vienna, São Paulo and others.

Currently his artwork are be representated in some galleryes, in New York, Vienna, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

For Williams, art is a particular way of expressing his ideas, imaginations,  belief and filosofy and sharing them with others, as he himself says in these words:

 "I use symbolism to try to convey ideas and concepts that are multidimensional, immaterial and archetypal, and often abstract, but not indecipherable. And here is the beauty and grace of this dialogue without words, of this attempt to communicate and connect through intelligible images. I hope to bring unexpected abstractions and reflections to those who contemplate the images, their expressions, their yearnings, and to probe the secrets emblazoned in my works. "

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Instagram @williamsdelabona


Interview with Danny Germansen

Interview with Danny Germansen

Aneta Barglik

Aneta Barglik