Oto Rimele

Oto Rimele

Oto Rimele is a painter, visual artist and author of visual spatial settings. He expresses himself with pure form and colour. The images are accurately placed into the space of the exposition area and achieve the creation of non-material colour communication: his images-objects enable the light of the space to pass into the light of the image, the silence and the inner sound of the image. Rimele strives to achieve such a state of the visual image that will establish, in the interaction with the spectator and the space, the state of wholeness: the artistic image is here in order for the spectator to be able to become aware of himself again and enter the dimension of his non-materiality. 

Recently, a book of his artwork has been published, entitled “Oto Rimele: Spirituality of Material Absence”, which was written in co-operation with an important connoisseur of world art Professor Dr. Jure Mikuž.

His work could be described as “sacral minimalism” and corresponds, as regards the content, to the European spiritual tradition and contemporary authors such as Mark Rothko, Anish Kapoor, James Turell, Bill Viola, Arvo Pärt. 

Email: or@otorimele.com

Website: www.otorimele.com/en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oto.rimele

Interview with James Earley

Interview with James Earley

 Paco Pomet

Paco Pomet