Interview with Patricia Heuker of Hoek

Interview with Patricia Heuker of Hoek

Patricia Heuker of Hoek is a Dutch photographer, influenced by developments that affect the lives of the next generation. Her focus is on humanity’s intervention with the planet, on growing up in a digital world   and other important issues which define the world and future of children. 

Could you please introduce yourself and tell us how you started in the arts? and your first experience in art-making?

I am Patricia Heuker of Hoek, nearly 49 years old, mother of 2 teenage daughters, living in the Netherlands but citizen of the world. I started making art when I was 4, tried art school for a year when I was 19, took photography classes last year and found out that I like it best when I can follow my own path, do it my way. That is what I am doing right now!

How would you describe yourself and your artwork?

I am a positive worrier a thinking doer. My brain is always busy but that doesn’t stop me from moving forward. I take a leap and just jump. Making art feels the same way. My subjects are things I think about a lot, I worry about. The creation process on the other hand is just a jump, without overthinking it. It feels good, or it doesn’t.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

From the world around me, the concerns I have and watching my daughters grow up.

What emotions do you hope the viewers experience when looking at your art?

I hope they see beauty and strength in these young people and even though the subject can be unpleasant, I hope the viewer experiences hope and faith.

When do you know that an artwork is finished?

As I mentioned before, it just feels good or it doesn’t.

What has been the most exciting moment in your art career so far?

Winning the Mediterranean Contemporary Art Prize last year.

How long does it take to produce one work?

1 day up to a week.

What exciting projects are you working on right now? Can you share some of the future plans for your artwork? 

I am working on 2 projects at the moment: ’Masked Girl’, is a series on showing your true self. 

The second project is called 'Expired'. Women are branded, they are passed their 'expiration date' at a very young age. Not their story, their strength, beauty within or wisdom are charasteristics that matter in this world. With this series I am standing up against age and gender discrimination.

Do you have any upcoming events or exhibitions we should know about?

I will be at The Other Art Fair in Dallas in May 2020 and I will probably have a mini solo exhibition in Cairo this spring. Since I am likely to jump into new things, keep an eye on my website or instagram for the latest.

Where do you see your art going in five years?

MoMA, Paris Photo and/or Haute Photographie would be nice!


Instagram: @worldoftries 


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