Interview with Aaron Cristofaro

Interview with Aaron Cristofaro

How would you describe yourself and your artwork?

I would describe myself as an artist who paints in the style of the old masters, and also modern contemporary styles.


How do you go about beginning a new piece?

Do you have an idea already in mind, or do you start working with materials or sketches to find the departure point? When I start a painting I start with a brush sketch of composition and go from there usually I start an artwork with a reference especially if I’m working on a portrait or I use my imagination.


When do you think your most prolific time of day or week is?

The best time of day for my creative side is in the early afternoon.


What is a barrier you as an artist overcame?

Is there anything that enabled you to develop your work as an artist in your life? The greatest barrier I had to overcome was the social part of art I think a lot of art lessons and advice from my tutors helped me along the way.


Did you have an idea of what you wanted to create right from the beginning?

Yes, usually I do have an idea before I start an artwork although I also use memory and imagination.


What is the meaning or creative inspiration for your work? We’re curious what the narrative or story is to what you are producing?

The meaning of my portraits is to carry on the traditions of the old masters and to try to display emotion and different feelings in my artworks. I guess the narrative of my artworks like the portraits is to achieve a likeness that is inspired by the old masters although original.


Besides your artworks, are there any other things in life that your voice as an artist may consider vital or valuable? What makes you joyful and creative, in other words?

Other things that I enjoy is classical music, jazz, and rock listening while I paint.


Are there any exhibitions or places where people can see these beautiful creations in person soon? Anything on the horizon?

I currently am only participating in one online exhibition called The River of Dreams it will last until 10/14/2021. There are no events down the horizon unless if I find one later.


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