Sophie Ruoyu Zhang

Sophie Ruoyu Zhang


Sophie Ruoyu Zhang is a Chinese artist born in 1999, currently lives in Brooklyn, NY, US.

Techno-scientific mutations accelerate the evolution of natural and artificial life, such "randomness" becomes a bubble of noise, and the ability to respond quickly and flexibly to natural systems is also attributed to this. Since patterns or modes have always been an important condition in the process of our evolution, gradually, "randomization" in art has also become more effective in the evolution of complex systems.

“Working as a ‘diffraction apparatus’”, her practice utilizes multiple natural materials(napa cabbage, wine, coffee, etc.). Her oil painting, printmaking, and performance respond to and reinterpret the natural objects that are in a limbo of recognition, permeating poetics, on the threshold of the subjecthood, the recognizable and the representable. Under the aspect of asemic arts, the achievement of "words"/"scores" in symbiosis with humans, nature, and the autonomous poetics that adds new perspectives to art by incorporating ideas from material ecocriticism and post-nature.

Country China


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