Helio Boechat

Helio Boechat


Life is movement!
I was born in Brazil, in Rio and now I am German as well. I’ve been living in Europe and New York (3 Years) for more than 20 years. In this space of time the intensity of colors and emotions and the way to see things like a Brazilian never left me.
If spend enough time sourcing for answers about the most important things for the Humanity on Earth you will have to turn your eyes to the stars.
The questions for me is, what is life anyway?
My newest work are based on this Question. Fron microcosm to the macrocosm. The similarity between the circumstances that create life on earth and the Galaxien are undeniable. life is everywhere and it is movement because is energy. A energy that exists beyond our biological life.
Economics: UFRRJ, UFF and University Of Colon
Music: Conservatory Villa-Lobos Rio De Janeiro
Arts: Autodidata
Composition, Orchestration: Berlin
Languages: Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Espanhol, English.
Instruments: Piano, Guitar

Country Germany

Website www.helioserodio.com

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