Linda-Saskia Menczel

Linda-Saskia Menczel


Born in Romania in 1972, Linda-Saskia Menczel has had numerous exhibitions and her artwork can be found in collections all over the world, as well as monumental sculptures in her hometown of Timisoara. She is the recipient of two-lifetime achievement awards for fine arts.

Artist Statement

I believe in a higher purpose for Art. It is not an expression of self, art for the sake of art, I believe the time for that has passed, instead, I belong to an older tradition of expressing universal truths by means of artistic expression. It is for this reason that I use symbols from ancient wisdom as well as the latest scientific discoveries in my sculptures, in an interdisciplinary view of mankind's finest intellectual and spiritual achievements.

What first prompted you to think of becoming an artist?

My initial thought, when I was about 13 years old, was that being a professional artist will be a lifestyle suited to my free spirit. In time it became much more than a different take on what a life should look like, it became a search for deeper meaning and then a need to share what I found in my research.

What kind of an artist do you ultimately see yourself?

I think I am where I would like to be as an artist. I hope my art will educate and enchant at the same time.

What are you hoping to communicate to the viewer through your work?

My quest is to provoke awe regarding the complexities and sanctity of life and the universe. I incorporate symbols from science and theology into my pieces and use these to bring awareness to the connection between them, as both speak about the same Source.

Can you explain the process of creating your work?

The first step is to read. Read a lot. Researching my theme may take weeks or months and may continue as the piece progresses. I work on certain themes for many years. Next is finding the esthetic language that best suits the theme, this includes the best materials and forms, colors, and proportions. A big part has to do with communicating to audiences about the piece. Since my work is based on meaning, not expression, I use texts and media to explain the symbolism of a piece or a series.

What is your favorite part of the creative process?

Sculpture is a very chronofage medium, with a lot of technical consideration and many weeks or months of labor. Therefore the best part for me is matching the theme, the research, with its esthetic counterpart.

Can you give us an insight into current projects and inspiration, or what we can look forward to from you in the near future?

I am currently working on another piano-sculpture called "The Celestial Mechanics of Providence". It will include symbols from genetics, astronomy, quantum mechanics, music, theology, chemistry, linguistics, and many others. It will also be an instrument and I hope musicians will play original pieces on my piano-sculpture. It is in its final stages and it has its own 'making of' page on Facebook, where fans can witness its progress in real-time.




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