Tomoki Uematsu

Tomoki Uematsu


Tomoki Uematsu is a Creative Director, Graphic Designer, and Artist who work and live in Tokyo Japan. In 1997, earned a bachelor’s degree in art from the NY Department of Illustration at the Parsons School of Design. In charge of visual branding for global companies such as Google, NIKE, and Amazon. He is also involved in the planning and production of the logo and signature of Tadao Ando’s architectural “Church of the Forest.” He has won numerous advertising awards, including Cannes Lion, TCC, and, ADC. Creative Director of the German branding design company Peter Schmidt Group Japan.

Artist Statement

Since the feeling of resting in meditation and the feeling of being able to relax by observing nature are similar, emotions are expressed by combining the vibrations of various natural elements. A world of surrealism that makes you feel the subconscious while treating natural objects abstractly. Recently, he has been exploring the world of college that connects visual beats like a DJ by challenging combinations of objects other than nature. All work procedures are improvised, as artwork values are more intuitive than design work.

Country Japan


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