Interview with Chiara Casco

Interview with Chiara Casco

Could you delve into your background a bit more and share what pivotal moments or influences led you to pursue a career as an artist? How have these initial inspirations continued to shape your work over time?

Growing up I never stopped dwelling on creative attitudes, as an adult I started going to an artist studio in Trastevere every Friday as I brought my studies ahead. Then in the summer time I went to London to study portraits at Wimbledon school of art. Where I found my style in drawing.  My studies brought points to my natural attitude but what really made me think without thinking in art was university, where I studied architecture at Ludovico quaroni- la sapienza. There forms and colours and a different discipline in studying made me cooperate between antropic and analogical drawing.

I'm intrigued by how artists transform ideas into tangible art. Could you walk us through your creative process in detail? How do you move from the spark of an idea to the final stages of a completed work, and what are the key stages in between?

Forms and emotional attitudes that words don’t explain go through a process where a line starts the idea that forms in every second in my life.i enclose myself in a separate world where few people can communicate with me. A line becomes a canvas where geometrical forms and colour spaces intrigue my time. The process is expression. Expression of the silence of words through colours forms and tendency of a research of elevation and research of the depths looking for a different point of view of reality.

It's often said that art is a conversation through time. Could you discuss the artists or art movements that have significantly influenced your work? How do you integrate these influences while maintaining your unique voice?

Van Gogh and his sympathy towards psichic expressions, Caravaggio and his research on light and darkness, Kandinsky and his need of inner and outer space research, Monet and reflections of the soul of nature Mondrian and his organized geometrical research and Picasso the researcher of truths are only some of the inspirations I find in the past. As these artists look for there work I search them. 

My inspiration come from the world from the dialogue of colours lights forms and space in abstract painting while in figurative I research the mystery of forms in light and shadows.

Artists often have a preferred medium that resonates with them. What is your favorite medium to work in, and can you elaborate on why it appeals to you more than others? How does this medium enable you to best express your artistic vision?

Watercolor, acrilic, oil painting, digital are all mediums where colours and forms look for one another in a continuous research of the present remembering the past and looking g for the future.

Artistic styles often evolve as an artist grows. Could you describe how your artistic style has evolved over the years? What key experiences, learnings, or shifts in perspective have influenced this evolution?

Schools studies and life has giving me the possibility to grow in time. Even though also a walk under the rain enables me to grow as an individual.

Art can be a powerful tool for reflection and change in society. In your view, how does art contribute to societal discourse, and what role do you think artists play in influencing or reflecting societal trends and issues?

I don’t know. It s the future that can explain the past while learning the past is the way for the future. The present is a an infinitive research.

Looking towards the future, are there any projects, exhibitions, or collaborations you are currently working on that excite you? What can your audience expect from these future endeavors?

I will be working in red dot Miami, New York art fair, and a personal exibition in New York with artifact in 2024 while exhibiting at vision espace in paris now. Just finished an exhibition in Barcellona where the city welcomed me to an unforgettable experience.

The audience can face and be faced by my emotions in colours while I m researching truths and bath in colours looking for there point of view.

Lastly, for those just beginning their journey in the art world, what comprehensive advice would you offer? What do you wish someone had told you when you were starting out, and what are the key lessons you've learned that you'd like to pass on?

Never stop. Never stop hoping, loving what you do and let the advices and critics help you only in time.

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